Remaking the Blog to be Relevant

A tale as old as time, but it's finally time to update my website to be relevant for 2024 and beyond. The last time I did this was just before I started working at Dropbox, which also happened to be right before Covid hit in the States. Quite a lot has changed since then.
Technical Changes
Sticking to just the technical details, the changes are:
- Gatsby -> Next.js
- UIKit -> Tailwindcss
- Contentful ->
- AWS S3 -> Vercel
- CircleCI -> Vercel
- Cloudfront -> Cloudflare
The biggest theme being a lot less effort on my end to maintain and support this website to make writing on it far easier. I also wanted it to be "up to date" with a lot of what the latest trends tend to be. Whether or not there's longevity in that decision is still to be determined.