An actual update, 4 years later

While migrating this website over to its current iteration, I went back and forth on how much of the previous content to migrate. Most of the old posts were very specific on technical implementations and most of them were horribly outdated by now.
The one I did choose to retain was the last post that I had posted back in February of 2020. I had just started my new job at Dropbox as an Engineering Manager for the "Mobile Apps" team and was excited to finally get my start in big tech. Little did I know that COVID-19 was right around the corner and my experience (along with everyone else's) working was going to drastically change.
Dealing with COVID-19 was difficult, just like it was for everyone else. Being in Brooklyn at the time, the virus escalated early and quickly and we were locked down for a significant amount of time. Fortunately both Melanie and I (along with our families) remained healthy throughout this period.
The bigger change here though was Dropbox made the move to go Virtual First. They shut down all of their physical offices, sold their brand new HQ in San Francisco and established a truly remote-first culture. This change was the catalyst to for Melanie and I to move out to Denver, Colorado.
After about a year, I found a new role to head up Engineering at Seed Health. Being the first engineering hire has been an incredible experience. I've learned so much, made incredible relationships and look forward to writing more about this experience with what's gone well (and not so well). I've now been at Seed for over three years with plenty more to do.